회사소개 전시회
2025 EuroCIS
▷ Period: Feb 18~20, 2025 ▷ Venue: Dusseldorf, DE 이번 유로시스에서 엠쓰리모바일은 '현장 시뮬레이션'이라는 컨셉으로 부스를 구성하였습니다. 리테일 고객여러분들께서 실제 현장에서 M3 모바일 제품을 사용하는 상황을 구현하기 위해 한 쪽 섹션은 Mart 그래픽을 사용하였고, Mart 매장과 창고에서 사용하는 M3 모바일의 제품들을 전시하였으며, 맞은 편 섹션은 냉동창고 그래픽을 활용하여, UL20F와 SM20F 모델을 전시하였습니다. 본 행사를 통해 많은 파트너사 분들과 고객 여러분들을 만나뵙게 되어 유익하고 즐거웠습니다. 다음은 5월 20-23일 대만에서 진행되는 Computex 2025로 찾아뵙겠습니다.
2025-02-27 View 986
2024 Circlon Innovation Day
▷ Period: Nov 13, 2024 ▷ Venue: Circlon Innovation Day 2024 엠쓰리모바일은 파트너사인 Circlon에서 주최하는 'Circlon Innovation Day 2024'에 참석하여 M3 모바일의 F(냉동)제품을 도입한 고객 성공사례를 소개했습니다. 또한, 신제품인 PC10, 웨어러블 (WR10, WD10)과 M3의 대표 제품을 소개하는 시간을 가졌습니다. Circlon과 함께해서 더욱 즐겁고 유익한 시간이였습니다. 앞으로도 파트너사와 협업하여 다양한 제품과 솔루션으로 찾아뵙겠습니다.
2025-02-27 View 942
2024 Parcel+Post Expo
▷ Period: Oct. 22 ~ 24, 2024 ▷ Venue: Rai Amsterdam, the Netherlands 엠쓰리모바일은 2024년 10월 22일부터 24일까지 네덜란드에서 개최된 Parcle+Post Expo 전시회에 참가하였습니다. 본 행사에서 M3 모바일은 제품 배송 부터 수령까지의 과정과 그 과정속에 적합한 M3 모바일의 제품들을 소개하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 본 행사를 통해 M3모바일의 제품을 알리고, 유럽 우정국 고객 및 파트너사 분들을 만나뵙게 되어 영광이였습니다.
2025-02-27 View 937
▷ Period: Feb. 27 ~ 29, 2024 ▷ Venue: Messe Dusseldorf 엠쓰리모바일은 2024년 2월 27일부터 29일까지 뒤셀도르프에서 개최된 EUROCIS 전시회에 참가하였습니다. 이 행사에서는 IT 부문의 주요 관계자들이 만나 미래의 신기술에 대해 논의하였습니다. 우리는 이번 행사에서 새로운 제품 로드맵을 제시하고, 혁신을 주도하는 주체로서 우리의 존재감을 강화할 수 있었습니다. 고객과 소통하고 새로운 비즈니스 파트너쉽을 구축할 수 있는 좋은 기회였습니다.
2024-09-12 View 879
▷ Period : Sep. 19 ~ 21, 2023 ▷ Venue : Paris Expo Porte de Versailles 엠쓰리모바일은 2023년 9월 19일부터 21일까지 개최된 파리 리테일 위크(Paris Retail Week)에 참석했습니다. 파리 리테일 위크는 파리에서 열린 옴니 채널 소매업의 주요 행사로, 새로운 파트너를 만나고, 비즈니스 기회를 찾을 수 있는 선도적인 이벤트입니다. 이 행사를 통해 기존 고객 뿐만 아니라 잠재 바이어들을 만날 수 있었으며, 시장에서의 우리의 입지를 더 공고히 하고, 끊임없이 진화하는 시장에 맞춰 새로운 고객의 목소리를 들을 수 있는 기회였습니다. 이런 의미에서 이번 행사는 엠쓰리모바일로서는 아주 성공적이었다고 볼 수 있습니다. 2024년의 새로운 로드맵이 출시되어 신제품을 소개하고 시장 동향을 논의할 수 있는 자리였습니다.
2024-09-12 View 818
2021 SITL
▷ Period : Sep. 13 ~ 15, 2021 ▷ Venue: Paris, Porte de Versailles 엠쓰리모바일은 2021년 9월 13일부터 15일까지 파리에서 열린 SITL 전시회에 참가하였습니다. SITL 전시회는 운송 및 물류분야의 주요 행사입니다. 우리의 R&D 서비스가 따로 있지만, 우리는 최종 고객의 요구사항과 제품이 사용되는 현장에 맞춰 제품을 개발하기 위해 엔드유저와 컨택을 지속하려고 노력합니다. 몇 년 간에 걸쳐 쌓아온 신뢰를 지키기 위해 고객의 목소리에 귀기울이는 것을 무엇보다 핵심으로 여깁니다. SITL 전시회는 시장 동향을 파악하고 장기적인 파트너쉽에 대해 논의할 수 있는 좋은 기회였습니다.
2024-09-12 View 836
2019 SITL
▷ Period : Mar. 26 ~ Mar. 28, 2019 ▷ Venue : Paris, France M3 Mobile attended SITL 2019 from 26th Mar. 2019 to 28th Mar. 2019, held in Paris, France. SITL is a exhibition covering all products and services for the transport of goods and for the logistics chain. M3 Mobile attended with one of the partners. We had a opportunity to meet many new partners. Also we introduced SPEED IS POWER as our motto. ※ M3 Mobile in SITL (Video) - M3 Team and partners had business meetings. Thank you for customers visiting us. - We received a warm response from customers about various products. - The SM15 series still received a lot of attention. - Cheetah, our symbol - "Speed Is Power" M3 MOBILE Thank You.
2021-05-28 View 4103
▷ Period : Feb. 19 ~ Feb. 21, 2019 ▷ Venue : Stuttgart, Germany M3 Mobile attended LOGIMAT 2019 from 19th Feb. 2019 to 21st Feb. 2019, held in Stuttgart, Germany. LOGIMAT is a biggest logistics exhibition in Europe. M3 Mobile had an opportunity to meet many new companies worldwide and introduce our company & products. - M3 Sales team had good time with customers. - The view of our whole booth. - M3 SM15 Series and the accessories are displayed. Visitors were able to demonstrate the product. - One of our members are describing SM15 Series. We met a few visitors from Euope and the other regions. Thank You so much!
2021-05-28 View 4172
2018 SITL
▷ Period : 2018. 3. 20 ~ 2018. 3. 23 ▷ Place : PARIS NORD VILLEPINTE - HALL 6, Paris, France ▷ Stand No. : B-069 M3 Mobile is inviting you to SITL 2018, which takes place in Paris, France from March 20 to March 23, 2018. SITL is a promising fair in Transport and Logistics field. Every year, more than 35 countries participate. We are hoping you to come, enjoy and visit our Booth no. B-069. Exhibition website : http://www.sitl.eu/en/
2021-05-28 View 3705
2018 LogiMAT
▷ Period : 2018. 3. 13 ~ 2018. 3. 15 ▷ Place : STUTTGART FAIR CENTRE, Stuttgart, Germany ▷ Stand No. : HALL 6 Stand C11 M3 Mobile is inviting you to LOGIMAT 2018, which takes place in Stuttgart, Germany from March 13 to March 15, 2018. LOGIMAT is a fair in Transport and Logistics field, which takes place every year from 2003. We are hoping you to come, enjoy and visit our Booth no. HALL 6 Stand C11 Exhibition website : https://www.logimat-messe.de/
2021-05-28 View 3683
2018 RBTE
▷ Period : 2018. 5. 2 ~ 2018. 5. 3 ▷ Place : Olympia London, Hammersmith Road, London, England ▷ Stand No. : A110 M3 Mobile is inviting you to RBTE 2018, which takes place in London, England from May 2 to May 3, 2018. RBTE is an only exhibition in Europe in Retail business. We are hoping you to come, enjoy and visit our Booth no. A110. Exhibition website : http://www.retailbusinesstechnologyexpo.com/
2021-05-28 View 3608
2016 LogiMAT
▷ Period : Mar. 8 ~ 10, 2016 ▷ Venue : Stuttgart, Germany M3 Mobile had attended to LogiIMAT 2016 from 8th Mar. 2016 to 10th Mar. 2016, held in Stuttgart, Germany with M3 Mobile's partners in Europe. LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Distribution, Materials Handling and Information Flow, sets new standards as the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. Many people was interested in M3 Handheld device and M3 Mobile had a meeting with many potential customers. Also, many M3 customers and partners visited to M3 Booth and M3 share the information with them and promoted m3's innovative product, SM10 LTE. LogiMAT was very successful fair for M3 Mobile.
2021-05-28 View 3905
2015 GITEX
▷ Period : Oct. 18 ~ Oct. 22, 2015 ▷ Venue : Dubai, UAE M3 Mobile had attended to GITEX 2015 from 18th Oct. 2015 to 22nd Oct. 2015, held in Dubai, UAE. GITEX is a biggest ICT exhibition in Middle East area and more than 1100 companies participate in this show. M3 Mobile had a opportunity to meet many new companies in Africa, Asia, Middle East area and introduce our company & products.
2021-05-28 View 3750
Korean EXPO 2012 BOGOTA
▷ Date : 2012. 06. 21 ~ 2012. 06. 24 ▷ Venue : Columbia, Bogota
2021-05-28 View 3649
2012 Made In Korea
▷ Date : 2012. 05. 21 ~ 2012. 05. 23 ▷ Venue : United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
2021-05-28 View 3946
Korean EXPO 2012 BOGOTA
▷ Date : 2012. 06. 21 ~ 2012. 06. 24 ▷ Venue : Columbia, Bogota
2021-05-28 View 4209
2011 Trade Korea
M3 Mobile had attended to ‘Korean premium product exhibition on 16th and 17th of November 2011, held on COEX Korea, and has been well received. More than 100 buyers from all around the world and 1000s of local corporation have attended to this exhibition, most of buyers have been invited by Korean government, and this exhibition was held to demonstrate the greatness of Korean made products. During this exhibition, M3 mobile had chance to publicity our products to big buyers from all over the world. We have distinguished good relationship with big buyers from overseas, and buyers had chance to hear about M3’s product, which has been an great opportunity for M3 to step forward to the world market once again. Also praises from big buyers for M3’s product while this exhibition, it has been a great opportunity for M3 Mobile to reconsider it’s competitiveness against the world market, which has given us bright future to enter into the world market. This event has been progressed as a manner of skull session, we had to visit every single booth that has only been provided to big buyers from overseas, to promote M3’s products, the counseling time was limited, but most buyers, spare their time to hear more about M3’s products.
2021-05-28 View 3599
2010 CeBIT Hannover
▷ Date : 2010. 03. 02 ~ 2010. 03. 06 ▷ Venue : Hannover, Germany
2021-05-28 View 3676