회사소개 회사소개

풍부한 경험과 끊임 없는 혁신

엠쓰리모바일은 2000년 설립이후 현재까지 자동 인식 및 데이터 취득(AIDC)시장의 혁신을 이루고 있습니다. 2000년 국내 최초로 무선통신 기술과 바코드인식기술을 결합한 산업용 모바일컴퓨터로 시장을 개척했습니다. 2004년 세계 최초로 최소형 산업용 단말기를 출시했습니다. 국내 누적사용자 1위, 전세계 120개국의 600여 파트너, 3,000여 고객사에게 가장 빠르고 안정적인 제품을 공급합니다.
엠쓰리모바일은 디자인, 개발, 생산, 유지보수에 이르기까지 모든 과정을 직접 수행합니다. 고객이 원하는 모든 곳에 가장 빠른 파트너로 함께 하고 있습니다.

가장 빠른 서비스로
전세계의 고객과의 직접 소통


가장 빠른 성장과 혁신

2011 Trade Korea


view : 3111

M3 Mobile had attended to ‘Korean premium product exhibition on 16th and 17th of November 2011, held on COEX Korea, and has been well received.

More than 100 buyers from all around the world and 1000s of local corporation have attended to this exhibition, most of buyers have been invited by Korean government, and this exhibition was held to demonstrate the greatness of Korean made products.

During this exhibition, M3 mobile had chance to publicity our products to big buyers from all over the world.

We have distinguished good relationship with big buyers from overseas, and buyers had chance to hear about M3’s product, which has been an great opportunity for M3 to step forward to the world market once again.

Also praises from big buyers for M3’s product while this exhibition, it has been a great opportunity for M3 Mobile to reconsider it’s competitiveness against the world market, which has given us bright future to enter into the world market.

This event has been progressed as a manner of skull session, we had to visit every single booth that has only been provided to big buyers from overseas, to promote M3’s products, the counseling time was limited, but most buyers, spare their time to hear more about M3’s products.


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